Friday, August 6, 2010

Water: It's important, but WHY

After my first newsletter on water, I recieved a question about one of the water facts I posted in my first newsletter. Thank you for your inquiry!

I believe the question is about a reference to the fact stated: Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. This can be referenced from a recent study conducted at the University of Washington. The study was performed on 20 subjects who suffered some form of either joint or back pain. It was an eight week study monitoring water intake for two 10 subject groups. One group of 10 subjects consumed no more than 7 glasses of water each day for 8 weeks. The other group of 10 subjects consumed 8-10 glasses of water each day for 8 weeks. The results indicated that the group of subjects consuming 8-10 glasses of water a day, 8 out of the 10 subjects stated some form of improved symptoms of joint or back pain. The other group only yielded 2 out of the 10 subjects improving symptoms. Granted, this study did not state any other pain management strategies each subject in the study applied, or how many ounces each glass of water contained, which both make this study as skeptical as any. But let’s look at the relevance of water on the human body for further closure.

Our body is made up of about 50-70% water, depending on our gender, age, and bodyfat. Our blood is made up of 83% water, our bones 22% water, our muscles are 75% water, our brain is over 75%, and our liver is over 96% of water! So, if our water intake is inadequate, you can see that our body is greatly affected by the deficiency. Blood is what brings nutrients to our whole body, including the connective tissues (which hold a lot of water) at each joint. The nutrients in blood are what repair the body from being broken down. There are five types of connective tissues, which are cartilage, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and aponeurosis. All types of these connective tissues are slightly different in their make up, but all have the common purpose of supporting and stabilizing each joint in our body to promote fluent movement at the joint.

Fact of the matter is, what I was hoping to accomplish with these facts was to generate thought on ways to improve your own healthy living capabilities. I hope to motivate you to improve your own health strategies, and to get you choosing healthier choices to fuel your body. Thank you again for your interest in my newsletter, and your health!

Tyler Hanson

AFAA certified personal trainer (cell): 715-507-0214

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